It was 1984 when Vmc meccanica was established, thanks to the well-known and consolidated genius of Valerio Vignoli.

Even today, after 40 years in business, his original enthusiasm and vitality is still poured into the design work in which he is personally involved. A well-established and unique company specialised in the design and construction of special purpose machines, or one-off prototypes that remain unique pieces in the production scenario, as they are extremely specialized and can only be used for the specific task for which they were created.


The incentive for creating such a particular company came when Vetroresina Spa Vmc Meccanica’s main customer – transferred its operations from Quartiere (Portomaggiore – Ferrara) to a new facility in Masi San Giacomo, which is also in the province of Ferrara. The reason was simple: the owner needed competitive, innovative and cutting-edge technology in order to produce laminates for international markets with the highest standards. This became a highly successful personal and professional partnership: the machines designed by Valerio Vignoli immediately led to the production of high quality products. Results were seen quickly and with low production costs.


In fact, fibreglass laminates have almost completely replaced the use of aluminium in many products, such as campers. This led to the market of the Ferrara-based company gradually expanding into America.


Vetroresina Spa’s decision to establish a company in Brazil also gave Vmc another great opportunity for designing and manufacturing new machines. A factory was set up in the USA in 2002 and the task was once again entrusted to Vmc of Marco e Valerio Vignoli.

We create

specific solutions

for your needs.